”Școala Gorjeană” Magazine – 02.09.2018
”Vertical” Magazine - 16.01.2019
”Vertical” Magazine– 10.03.2019
”Cuget Liber” Magazine
Nsat TV – the TV programme ”Education – European projects, a chance for the Romanian education” - January 2019
EMI TV – What are the jobs of the future and the way foreign education systems have adapted – 12.02.2020
”Vertical” weekly 12.11.2020
EMI TV – Digital education, European priority- 13.05.2020
EMI TV – Difficulties of the Romanian Education - 08.12.2020
Școala Gorjeană” Magazine – 19.02.2021
”Vertical” weekly 22.02.2021
”Vertical” weekly 20.03.2021
”Gorjeanul” newspaper 28.05.2021
”Școala Gorjeană” Magazine 13.05.2021
”Școala Gorjeană” Magazine 16.06.2021
Gssrm.si - LTTA1 report - 26.01.2019
Kamničanka - "Tehnologije v učni proces"- 22.03.2019
Kamnik.si "GSŠRM Kamnik gostiteljica projekta Erasmus+" - 12.03.2019
SLO1 national TV - Studio3 "Točka preloma" - 21.03.2019
Gssrm.si - "Press conference in Kamnik/Tiskovna konferenca v Kamniku" - 04.07.2019
Gssrm.si - Report “Integrating digital instruments in the teaching process” - 28.03.2019
Gssrm.si - LTTA1 report - 26.01.2019
Gssrm.si - LTTA1 report - 26.01.2019
Gssrm.si - Virtualna mobilnost na Portugalskem - 1. dan - 14.06.2021
Kamničanka - "Analizirali so vode" - 03.08.2021
Erasmus + KA229 – 049353 – “Integrando tecnologias no processo de aprendizagem para desenvolver competências do século XXI” (2018/2022)
Estudantes da EPCG visitam a Turquia